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Friday, August 24, 2007

Turtle Blogging!

Since I've been busy writing tomorrow's Book Report, here's some turtle pictures for your amusement!


Anonymous said...

I see what you mean about the claws...
still, fine lookin' turtles you have there. Pop a couple of crawdads in there with them, for a hoot.

I finally remembered my blogger id.

Tammy said...

Thanks for the tip Vertalio, but I'd rather not have an episode of Wild Kingdom in my living room! I do give them freeze dried mealy worms. The box turtle thinks blueberries are crack.

Bukko Boomeranger said...

Those certainly are some cute turtles. Much cuter than Mitch McConnell, and certainly moreso than Phil Gramm. But no one was saying those HUMANS were cute.

BTW, I saw LOTS of turtles during the many years I lived in Florida because I'd always stop my pickup when I saw one on the road and help it along to the nearest swamp. And I had to pull my Dalmatian off lots of sliders and softshells that were as big as turkey platters. Now a softshells, with the snorkel nose, that could give Gramm a run for the money in the ugly department...