For some time, I have been urged, especially by SeattleTammy, to pick up one of Lee Child's Jack Reacher novels. At long last, I have and I regret that I have not done so sooner. Lee Child writes one helluva good book.
The book I picked up to start is The Hard Way. Jack Reacher had been a US army military policeman, but now is a drifter, a bit of a loner. On a hot New York city summer evening, while working on a coffee at an outdoor cafe, he witnesses a man open a car door and drive away. Unknown to him at the time, inside the car is a one million dollar ransom. The next night, at the same cafe, Reacher becomes involved in trying to solve a kidnapping plot. Edward Lane, a man who operates a Blackwater type mercenary outfit, has had his wife and step-daughter taken from him and he will stop at nothing to get them back. And it seems that Reacher is the man to do it. Along the way, Reacher finds out more and more about Lane but finds he cannot back out. The novel reaches the climax in a small northern English town; Lee Child himself is from England, but he knows America and Americans.
The Hard Way is quite the thriller. Child tells the story well, with sharply drawn characters, and a keen sense of place. Post 9/11 New York also becomes a character, and the descriptions of place are vivid. This particular novel is told from the third person, although I am told some of the Reacher novels use a first person narrative as well. I am set to devour the series, of which there are now 18.