But, as you can see, the choices are a bit limited. Now that we've moved a crow's flight (yes, Dave, the North American Corvis Corax sort of crow) from the Hoh Rain Forest, I've realized I really need a dress to wander the woods in.
Luckily, the NYT Travel Supplement goes Out on a Limb to find me a couple pretty frocks, suitable for tromping the woods.

And now the promised game of tag. Kathleen Taylor tagged me earlier this week, and now I have to tell you 7 things, and tag someone else. Sorta like those emails that I always start, but peter out on, until a couple weeks go by and I just hope everyone's forgotten by then... but noooooo-ooo-o! Kathi had to call me out in public! And, on a day when I was hit with a massive head cold. Well, this time I've gotten it accomplished, in less than a week, so here goes:
(me: "Come on honey, ya gotta help me write this part, seven things about me..."
SeattleDan: "erm, okay... whatya got so far?"
me: "One, period."
SeattleDan: "hahahahahahahahahahahaha!")
See why you never get an answer to those emails? okay, let's try it without the numbers.
I have driven my website to the top of teh Googles for almost a full year. Really. Google "Tibetan Turtles". Click it. You know you want to!
We moved to Hoquiam simply because "Hoquiam" is such a fun word to say.
As our neighbors left the neighborhood, SeattleDan and I became madly addicted to Second Life. We've been hanging out there for more than a year, and still haven't had sex!
Some people are still surprised to find out I love to knit. Really, you shouldn't snicker at a woman who knows how to operate 5 pointy sticks at once. I can hurt you. And not lose a stitch.
I have naturally curly hair. My mother once gave me a perm in second grade to try to straighten it. Didn't work. But, this is very important; Ladies: if your hair ever seriously changes on you, like going completely straight, and your fingernails start curling over your fingertips, have the doctor check for Anemia. It took 4 bags of Plasma for me to learn this lesson.
Yes, I drank the Kool-Aid early on. And I'm still good with that.
Is that 7 things? Ok, one more:
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to be a bookseller without a bookstore and not have at least our on-line sales up and going by now. Especially when the only competition in town is:
So, who am I going to tag?
Piglet. Just cause I love her blog name: Read This Because I Probably Won't Call. Nah, that's not true. I love Piglet for herself, and here's a good example.
And Becca (and Brian).
Where did I meet such fine folk? Well, we are members of a select cult. We stalk Adam Felber. Oh, how do you stalk a national celebrity who is about to get his second TV show? Knit him a baby sweater!
I can't leave Portland without mentioning mjs: Fine Poet, Brilliant Lyricist, lovely human.
Then there's démocommié™™™™™©®ç au courant who just started blogging and whom I dearly love.
I must mention the estimable esquire Dave von E. A lawyerly look at politics that is not to be missed.
When you simply can't get enough polls, Darryl's your man.
I also love Alice in Arkansas. You can't leave a comment, but you can read her stories, and buy her amazing lotions.
And speaking of things I love in Arkansas, Donald Roller Wilson.
Give these peeps a shout when you drive past! Tell 'em Tammy sent ya!