Some time ago, both SeattleTammy and I reported on a
fine history book we both loved,
Gods, Gauchupines and Gringos: A People's History of Mexico (paperback $24.95). The publisher, E
ditorial Mazatlan, has been busy since, producing two new books that are equally enticing.
Magic Made in Mexico: Live Your Mexico (
Editorial Mazatlan $17.95) is written by Canadian native
Joanna van der Gracht de Rosado. The first section is a memoir that tells the story of how, as a young woman, she came to Mexico, fell in love and married a Mexican national, and how she adjusted to a new manner of life in Merida, a town located in the Yucatan. She follows that with an alphabetical series of chapters on tips for living in Mexico for the non-native (A is for Attitude, H is for Heat, S is for Settling In and so on), each of which gives good advice along with fun and funny anecdotal stories of her own. She closes with a nice, and very brief history of Mexico, the Yucatan and her hometown. She includes a good recommended reading list..I know it is good because she listed two of my favorite author's books, Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory and The Honorary Consul.

The other book of note and new from Editorial Mazatlan is Ray Acosta's
Revolutionary Days: A Chronology of the Mexican Revolution (hardcover $29.95). Obviously this book is of great use to any student of Mexican history. But it also reads well as a narrative for the interested reader of the events leading up to, and nearly a day by day account of the Revolution itself as it occurred from 1910 onwards. As one would expect of a scholarly work, there is a good bibliography, and an alphabetical list of names of those central to the period. And there is a lot of them.
All three books are available at our online store, or in historic downtown Hoquiam.
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