The play's authors, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee (no, not the General), did change some of the background for dramatic purposes. The trial itself was a test case, brought about by the ACLU, and much of the town's characters were exaggerated for effect. In fact, after Scopes was found guilty and ordered to pay a $100 fine, it was Bryan who paid his fine.
Nevertheless, the play is an impassioned plea for allowing people to use their minds without fear. Lawrence and Lee wrote the play as indictment of Senator Joe McCarthy and McCarthyism. And considering that the play was first produced in 1955, at a time when McCarthy still held some sway, it was quite a courageous thing to do. It hadn't been so long before when Broadway artists like Clifford Odets, Jerome Robbins and Lee J. Cobb had named names to the House Committee on Un-American Activities had tried to cleanse the arts of any taint of heresy.
The play was produced as a film directed by Stanley Kramer and starred Spency Tracy as Henry Drummond (Darrow), Frederic March as Matthew Brady (Bryan) and Gene Kelly as H.H. Hornbeck (Mencken). Kramer was a noble-hearted man of liberality, and by no means a great film innovator. In this film, which is very good, Kramer made the wise decision to let the actor's act and not get in their way.
The play is still available in a Ballantine paperback at $9.95 and we still have one used copy at $1.50. Also recommended, if you can find a copy, is Eric Bentley's Thirty Years of Treason, which compiles a lot of the testimony by people in the Arts in front of HUAC. We do have one used copy available at $12.00. If you'd like a new copy, drop a line to info@jacksonst-books.com