(Editor's note: Our Second Life pal Serenity, is off on holiday. I've asked her for pictures so we can all follow along as she travels from New Zealand back to her native Germany and then to America for the first time. I'll be updating the travelogue as she goes. And seriously, we need a better title than that!)
So, here now, as requested, in our series “Nothing much interesting about
Serenity's travels”, instalment number 1. (Instalments 2 and 3 will be
on their way in a few minutes as well. Most of my travel is quite
personally oriented (as opposed to touristy), so I honestly cannot promise
that any of this will be interesting to anyone but me. Therefore, please
feel free to use your own judgement on what, if any, of this you actually
post. Please, also do not hesitate to edit for grammar and spelling and

This first instalment is entitled “Serenity gets to have breakfast like she used to in her childhood”. On Friday, Serenity was on bakery duty (pic #01),

and bought some very nice rolls (pic #02).

She and her mom then
had a nice German-style breakfast at the kitchen table (pic #03). I know, I know; to most of you, it will seem weird that we have cheese and cold cuts for breakfast, but that’s what a typical German-style breakfast looks like, so there. The main alternative is cereal with milk or yoghurt, but what is the fun in that?! In my humble opinion, any self-respecting German has this kind of breakfast at the very least on Sundays (unless they’re Bavarian, in which case they are allowed to have
Weisswurst. Please note also the boiled egg, which in our family is enjoyed with mustard (see glass with blue lid). Yum!
(P.S.: Serenity’s mom says, “The jam is missing.”)
OK, there you go. More in a couple more e-mails.
Hope you’re well.