Here's one reviewer: "Morgan does a terrific job of fitting the pieces together and painting a picture that has the potential to reach a lot of people. This is a book that might open some eyes. I recommend reading it and then giving it to a Republican."
and here's another review from Journeys with Jood.
I'm so tickled to have met Idella (Alicia)! We're going to have a book signing in Second Life at Virtual Jackson Street Books, next Saturday at 2pm SLT (that's Pacific Time on your planet). I'll be sending copies of The Price Of Right to Idella for signature, and then she'll forward them to the correct homes. Let me know if you'd like a copy of your very own and we'll get all the arrangements made.
Idella blogs over at Last Left Turn Before Hooterville. It was there I found out she sang on Neil Young's Living With War album. How cool is that? You can find her wicked cartoons here.
I'll be spiffing up the bookstore and getting it ready for Saturday. Email me if you want to try Second Life and I'll help you get started.