The Bank Is Stealing My House THIS Monday
After writing to my friend Blue Gal, and getting my situation on paper, so to speak, I've decided to put it on my blog. This is the one of the hardest things I've ever done as a blogger. The last thing I want to do is have a pity-party for myself. I am really blessed in spite of what's happening now; I have my family, my health, my friends and my faith, and I know that I am luckier than most people in the world. Nevertheless, these criminals have to be brought into the light, and maybe the more people who speak out about how these banking institutions who have brought us to this place are using the bailout money that we taxpayers have given them, the more pressure will be put on Congress to change things.
Here's my letter:Hi Blue Gal -
You may not have heard much from me lately; I haven't been blogging, or writing, or doing anything politically. This is because I have been spending every ounce of physical, mental and emotional energy I possess trying to keep our family afloat and save our house. We were the victims of a predatory loan from one of the most egregiously criminal offenders, IndyMac Bank. I have not wanted to go public with our situation; partly out of pride, partly out of the hope that we would be able to get the bank to work with us. But it looks like this is not going to happen, and I am out of options........
Go. Read the letter.
Many of you count Alicia as a dear friend Idella Quandry in Second Life. If you haven't met her there yet, you can now listen to her inworld concerts at idella.ning.com You can tune in at 8pm PST tonight.
What else can you do? Well, you can buy a book. We're proud to carry Alicia's book, and since we purchase our copies directly from her, the money will go right to her family.

Here's one reviewer: "Morgan does a terrific job of fitting the pieces together and painting a picture that has the potential to reach a lot of people. This is a book that might open some eyes. I recommend reading it and then giving it to a Republican."
and here's another review from Journeys with Jood.