What is interstitial art? It is art made in the interstices between genres and categories. It is art that flourishes in the borderlands between different disciplines, mediums, and cultures. It is art that crosses borders, made by artists who refuse to be constrained by category labels.
This is a short story collection, so I can't really give you a plot outline here. For those of you who don't read short stories and prefer full length novels, have no fear, these short pieces will satisfy. I don't dream often, or at least I don't remember dreams in the waking hours, but the last two wisps of dreams I woke up with in the morning had elements and plot bits from Ray's fiction.
I can show you where to read a couple samples, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Boy, or this delightful piece about weather in Miles and Miles of Broccoli. You can find other links on his website or sff.net.
I do recommend this book to ensure you never look at grocery lists or airline flights the same again. I'd also like to thank Fairwood Press for sending me an advance copy of a favorite author.
Boarding Instructions is debuting this weekend at this weekends World Fantasy Con, and we'll be able to ship out next week. Boarding Instructions and Interfictions 2 are books are available at Jackson Street Books and other fine Independent bookstores.