The party gets started at 6pm, with Nick Northman playing live from Boston. Then at 7:30, we switch over to L.A. and Idella Quandry will take the stage. At 9, Klipe Wirefly comes to us from Michigan with his piano jazz stylings. These are amazing musicians and you don't want to miss this fantastic line-up. Crap Mariner will be storytelling for his podcast isfullofcrap. We are also fortunate to be partnered with Jimbo Hoyer's Virtually Speaking and have the featured author's books for sale. Upcoming inworld events include the August NetrootsinSecondLife convention. Now is a great time to get started and we can help get you up to speed as an experienced avatar by then.
I'm working on making a limited edition book that will be available in-world and at the party for just this one evening. I'm not going to mention who the illustrator is, but let's just say he's now hugely successful and was pretty unknown when this volume was published in 1991.
It doesn't take long to download the free software of Second Life and if you send an IM to BookemJackson Streeter, I'll help you get the music going.