In a week where we saw justice, light, right and might prevail in our land, it was only fitting that MSNBC suspended the ultra-liberal, Keith Olbermann from his show, Countdown, on Friday. Of course, the islamoliberalsphere is protesting by calling the MSNBC offices, and setting up
Facebook pages in protest. What more could we expect. They want you to call MSNBC at (212) 664-4444 and urge them to bring Keith Olbermann back!
SEND faxes to MSNBC urging Keith's return here at: Fax: (212) 664-4426
You can e-mail Phil Griffin who suspended Keith at: phil.griffin@nbcuni.com.

It turns out, that the nattily-dressed one has just published a book, Pitchforks and Torches. Conveniently, the book is a Liberal's wet dream, full of invective and reason. As Seattle Tammy and I would never want to be accused of censoring, we are stocking that book, as well as others by this Olbermann fella.

If we have inadvertently made you look at these protests and caused you to join the brouhaha, we are deeply sorry. But the books are available at
Jackson Street Books and other
fine Independent bookstores.

As always, books ordered here will have a freebie publishers Advance Reading Copy included as a thank you to our blogosphere friends.