(Jackson Street) Books on 7th is around the corner and on the internet tubes. We strive to be your full-service new and used bookstore, emphasizing good literature, progressive politics, and, of course, books about baseball. Opened in Hoquiam October 1, 2010

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Department of Book Reports: Boilerplate: History's Mechanical Marvel

Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett discuss their graphic Steampunk robot history: Boilerplate, History's Mechanical Marvel and their career in Graphic Novels. Join us for a Steampunk night with this talented team of artists at Jackson Street Books' Lacamas Hall.
Boilerplate was created in 1893 by Professor Archibald Campion, a robot soldier designed to "prevent the death of men in the conflicts of nations". Throughout his career he met historical figures such as Teddy Roosevelt, Lawrence of Arabia, Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla. This coffee table book chronicles his story with photos, maps, paintings, posters, cartoons and stereoscope plates.

Boilerplate is available at Jackson Street Books and your local independent booksellers

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dear Family and Friends, WE MADE IT!!!

Our delegation has successfully entered the Gaza strip and are now staying at the Marna House in Gaza City. Our schedule is extremely busy, beginning before 9:00 AM and continuing well into the evening for each of the six days we will be in Gaza.

I was not free to talk about the delegation's destination before departing the USA as we had major concerns about whether or not we would be allowed to enter Gaza. Now that we are "IN" please feel free to pass the word along. In fact, because there was (and still is) a chance that my computers and the computers of the other delegation members may be confiscated by the Israeli authorities upon exiting Gaza I brought an olde, beat up PC laptop (case is cracked, key board works but is far from new and in general appears to be an antique) just in case. That is the good new concerning my planning for the this trip. The bad news is that I neglected to import my email address book which is stored on the MacBook. I have a few email addresses stored on this older laptop but certainly not nearly all of them.

So, if you have received this email I would sincerely appreciate your forwarding it on to anyone who you feel may be a friend or family member of mine. Please don't assume that everyone I know who you know will receive this email. I am missing many, many email addresses or have many outdated email addresses So, if you should receive more than one copy of this email blame it on me and simply hit the delete key for any additional copies you might have received.

I have much to tell you but it's almost 1:30 AM and my schedule begins bright and early again in the morning. But if a picture really is worth 10,000 words then I've added another 20,000 words to this email by attaching two pictures.

The first picture is an example of what a Bell Captain at a hotel looks like in a country under seige. Gaza.

The other picture is of a child of the occupation . . .
In Solidarity Peace is Inevitable,

5 for Peace

via Dave Wiley
San Diego Veterans For Peace
Hugh Thompson Memorial Chapter 91