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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cars that go bump in the night

Spring is in the air and it's time to start gardening. These are before shots of the back border.
Cut to 10:50pm last night, Hoquiam police officer at the door, with our neighbor Allie, who's car had a brake failure and took out some of the fence. I figured it was the corner at the main street, which has taken some dings in the past.Yikes! The brake failed while the car was parked up hill. No one was in it when it went over, thankfully, no one was hurt.I could tell that half the forsythia was broken off, but I was so glad the car missed the lovely Japanese Maple that turns a brilliant red in the fall.
Not so lucky after all. The maple is completely broken off.
So, today will be spent talking to the police and insurance companies and if the sunshine holds for a couple days I see a chipper/shredder session in my future.


Aunt Sam said...

So sorry about your tree Tammy. My favorite tree in my yard is a Crimson King maple. A crack on the bark a few years ago led to the discovery that its roots are strangulated, and it's got about 10 years to live.

D.B. Echo said...

The Forsythia will probably just shrug this off, but the Japanese Red Maple...well, ours has been casting off babies for about ten years. I would offer to send you a sapling, but a)it probably wouldn't survive the trip, b)it's probably not legal to ship it across state lines without a license or something, and c)a young Red Maple looks (to the untrained eye) like some exotic variety of marijuana.

Ginny said...

Coulda been worse, I guess... Mighta hit the side of the house!

Sorry for the damage, but grateful no one was hurt.

piglet said...

Hey - that doesn't look like a Toyota.

Dave said...

Kinda reminds me of that scene from The World According to Garp when the plane hits the house and he says, “We’ll be safe here.”

Kidding aside, glad there was no “collateral damage.”

j* said...

There's more than one way to snag a new fence!

Rev.Paperboy said...

See, your car dies and you pray for a new one and, voila, the good Lord and Singing Jeebus Bunny deliver!