We have an exciting event coming up tonight. David Neiwert, founder and award-winning journalist and blogger at
Orcinus and of late, at Crooks and Liars discusses his latest book
The Eliminationists with Jesus' General, GenJC Christian. Eliminationism: a politics and a culture that shuns dialogue and the democratic exchange of ideas in favor of the pursuit of outright elimination of the opposing side, either through suppression, exile, and ejection, or extermination. Rich in historical and journalistic detail, the book offers a fine overview of the uglier strains in American politics.
Order the book at
Jackson Street Books.
This event is a fund-raiser for the up-coming NetRoots in SL09. Join us to find out more. Here's a
nice primer to get you started.
*UPDATE!* Here are some pics from earlier tonight at the Arena. Thanks to all attendees, it was a great discussion!

Here's the audio.
Sorry I missed this event. It must have been the heat. After seeing what's happening with health care reform "dialogue" in the US these days Neiwert's book seems prescient at least.
Is there recording of the event available?
Coming right up, Mark!
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