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Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to stalk an author

Garth Stein announced a contest this week; download the "lost dog" poster and snap a picture in a cool location. Sure I coulda gone around Hoquiam and posted it, but I thought it'd be fun to take it to Second Life. I spent all afternoon serial Tweeting my search for Enzo. Here's a re-cap:
First I put it up at Cafe Wellstone, where I'm hosting the Album Cafe tonight: Nick Lowe's Jesus of Cool, 30th anniversary edition.
Michele's lovely rooftop garden. Enzo got to drink from the pond.
Enlisting the help of the Tiny Troops at the Tiny Yak. Enzo! don't drink from the toilet! Tinys pee there!
The beach at the Blue Footed Booby. Dances every Thursday after Virtually Speaking.
I didn't tweet this pic of the lovely Luna as it was so hard to see Enzo begging scraps under the table at the Barefoot Lass Tavern.
Night time at the General & Witchy's gazebo. Don't go into the woods, Enzo! There are bears at the Hetstance Ranch!
Back to the Blue Footed Booby Bar to drown my sorrows with flat Jack Sparrow.
Returning home. Hey! There's Enzo waiting on the steps! Isn't that the way it always goes?
Finally a moment to relax. Good boy, Enzo!

Big Thanks to all my Second Life friends who helped with these photos.

I had asked Garth last week to read The Art of Racing in the Rain at the SL bookstore and when he asked "Where/what's SL?" I sent a lengthy essay with links. His reply: "Oh, god, you're a nut. This is too much for me to learn." But the pictures today did the trick! From Twitter: "garthstein@jacksonstbooks Oh, that is quite brilliant. I am definitely doing a reading at SL. As soon as my 13 yr old teaches me how."

My work here is done :)

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